Healthy Aging

Healthy Aging - What Is Important?

Dr. Lisa Polinsky

My grandmother had five siblings who all lived well into their late 80’s or mid 90’s and who for the most part enjoyed many active senior years.  They originally grew up in Victoria and recall Emily Carr and her monkey walking around the neighbourhood when they were very young.  They had their life trials and challenges and ultimately outlived all of their spouses. When I was young I had fond memories watching my grandmother and two of her sisters giggling while doing tai chi exercises on the beach in Tofino shrouded in fog, with a thermos of hot tea and homemade cookies awaiting them.  The six siblings kept in close touch their whole lives, had their own close-knit families, tended their gardens, ate simple whole foods, moved their bodies every day, had purpose-driven lives and enjoyed the occasional glass of scotch or wine.  

I was reminded of these six siblings while watching the Netflix series The Blue Zones, Secrets To Living Longer by researcher Dan Buettner.  His work began as a National Geographic article studying locations of longevity (including living to 100+) and wellness throughout the planet and determining the main factors which were similar throughout the different locations. Key aspects of life such as having meaning and a sense of purpose, an active social community, endemic physical activity (beyond simply going to the gym but as part of day-to-day activities), and eating plant-forward meals where you also stop eating before feeling full were consistent across all Blue Zones.  

The link below is to the Power Of 9 article highlighting the main research and key features that contribute to longevity.  Interestingly, these 9 qualities of life choices influence the realm of epigenetics whereby aging gene expression is down-regulated or minimized resulting in longer healthy years. Below is the summary of his findings, some of which may surprise you:


Meditation-Clear the Mental Clutter


IV Therapy—Myer’s IV