Circle Integrative Wellness – New Logo and Team Updates!


I’m pleased to present the new logo for Circle Integrative Wellness.  This was an inspiring process of deciding what elements were essential, and incorporating meaningful aspects to present a powerful image.  I’d love to hear your feedback!  Here are some key points:

  • The Circle is an ancient, and universal, healing symbol denoting wholeness and perfection.  Natural cycles flow in a circular fashion – seasons, life cycles, sound waves, frequencies all flow out in expanding circles.  Nature, Wholeness, Expansion all being key elements.  The Circle is intentionally left open to denote the ongoing process of healing and healthcare.

  • Gingko Leaves – (or Ginkgo spp – “Maidenhair”) The Gingko Tree is the most ancient of all trees on earth and is part of a genus dating back 270 million years.  It is considered a “Living Fossil” and is adaptable, hearty, ornamental and well-known for significant medicinal properties.  

  • Integrative – This word has a several meanings for me – one is patient-centered integrating what works medically for you, using all forms of medicine.  The second meaning is of the clinic itself being a source of several complimentary modalities with different types of practitioners.  The third meaning is of unifying separate parts whereby some conditions are more mentally-focussed, others more body-centred (or physical), and still others emotionally-based.  My aim is to have resources in the clinic for all three to support wholistic health balance – the three Gingko leaves represent these 3 aspects.

  • Wellness – This word simply states what everyone comes to a practitioner for – to feel better.  Whether dealing with a chronic health issue, or simply focussed on prevention and health optimization ‘wellness’ is the path towards improvement

In addition to my Naturopathic practice continuing in the same location I am gathering a team of integrative healthcare practitioners with whom to share the clinic space. Dr. Jocelyn Taitt, Naturopathic Physician, and Katherine Pearce, Hellerwork Practitioner will be practicing in the clinic space.  Check our new website for information about our team and the services we provide 


We are so thankful that we are able to continue to offer both telemedicine and in-person appointments from the beautiful clinic space.  Thank-you for your patience during these changes. 


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